Sunday, March 18, 2012


Director: Mel Brooks
Producer: Mel Brooks

Dillon's rating: 7 out of 10
I really liked the story and all, but there weren't many Star Wars references in it. Plus that, they seem to be using Monty Python's style of spoofs, and I kind of wish that Monty Python worked on it instead of Mel Brooks and Rick Moranis.

Cameron's rating: 3 out of 10
This just simply wasn't one of the greatest movies in history. In fact, it was terrible. This spoof of Star Wars was almost completely different from the films it parodies. It was just utterly boring. Rick Moranis's annoying performance didn't help either. I couldn't even tell if the character "Lone Starr" was supposed to be parodying Luke Skywalker or Han Solo. Plus, the film constantly referencing itself made it just seem stupid and hopeless. You might be able to give Mel Brooks the excuse that this was an 80's movie, but then again, great things have come out of the 80's. Ghostbusters, Ferris Bueller's Day Off, and of course, the original Star Wars films. So sorry, Mel Brooks. This just wasn't funny. At all.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012


Director: Quentin Dupieux

Dillon's rating: 5 out of 10
It was an OK movie. I didn't like it because there was too much violence over plot. The film was mostly focused on shock value and violence, nothing else.

Cameron's rating: 6 out of 10
Although it was a cool idea, the whole film was generally boring. Dillon and I watched this at one of our movie nights a few weeks ago, and while the film was funny, it was really rather drab. The whole concept of this indie exploitation film spoof was genius, or at least it seemed to be so. A tire that telepathically explodes people's heads would be a lot cooler if its plot and characters weren't so weird. The tourists in the desert watching the tire as if they were watching the film itself provided an uncomfortable feel to the whole movie and made it one of the strangest viewing experiences I've ever had.

Overall, the film was OK, but not great. It was interesting, we'll give them that. We recommend maybe renting it and watching it once, but don't go buy yourself a copy to keep.


Director: Matt Reeves
Producers: J.J. Abrams and Bryan Burk

Dillon's rating: 10 out of 10
I liked it a lot, great special effects, but I didn't like how you never see the creature, and how they always go to pick up the camera when they drop it instead of running for their lives.

Cameron's rating: 10 out of 10!
This was truly one of the most amazing films I have ever seen. The exciting terror that J.J. Abrams so brilliantly creates captures what it would REALLY be like if something so horrific hit New York. Personally, J.J. Abrams is my favorite person in all filmdom (yes, that IS a word. Look it up in the dictionary.). The decapitated Statue of Liberty was an awesome concept to put in a film like this. Even after watching the special features, I have no idea how they pulled this movie off. I personally admire how this film was made in secret, and the lengths that J.J. Abrams, Bryan Burk, and Matt Reeves went to to keep it that way until it was released. I loved this movie so much. I have a copy of it for myself to keep forever and ever. Watch it.

Well, that's it for our first movie review! Follow us on Blogger, subscribe on YouTube, and like us on Facebook! See ya later!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Welcome to Sparks/Williams Movie Reviews!

Hey guys!

We here at Sparks/Williams Productions LOVE movies. So we decided to share the movies we love most, with you. In this, our new blog, we will each give you a rating of each film from 1-10 stars, and a basic summary of our individual and together thoughts and opinions.

See ya soon!

-Cameron Williams, Sparks/Williams Productions